Middle East (MNN) — Instability won’t stop satellite outreach to children in Middle East
Middle East (MNN) — Instability won’t stop satellite outreach to children in Middle East
Middle East (MNN) — SAT-7 Pars has been bringing hope to the war-riddled Middle East for five years
Afghanistan (MNN) — Missionary crisis underscores ministry resolve in Afghanistan
Lebanon (MNN) — Uneasy peace in Lebanon leads to uneasy staff at Christian satellite ministry
Lebanon (MNN) — The destruction of Lebanon threatens future plans for children’s ministry
Lebanon (MNN) — Future peace precarious in Lebanon; ministry continues broadcasting hope and peace of Christ
Middle East (MNN) — Ministry finds active reception despite unrest in Middle East
Middle East (MNN) — Newly-completed Arabic film about Jesus targets women; premiers April 15.
Iran (MNN) — Iran isolates further as crisis grows; Christians bring hope.
International (MNN) — Christian satellite ministry sees encouraging growth from Persian outreach.