Egypt (MNN) — SAT-7’s program My Mirror speaks to Arab women’s hearts.
Egypt (MNN) — SAT-7’s program My Mirror speaks to Arab women’s hearts.
Syria (MNN) — International tensions near a boiling point.
Syria (MNN) — International tensions near a boiling point.
Egypt (MNN) — Various protestors clash in the streets; kids intercede.
Middle East (MNN) — A new partnership will help the Church grow
Middle East (MNN) — Believers mobilized to put their faith into action–even in the Middle East
Iran (MNN) — Despite tensions, SAT-7 PARS is encouraging Christians in Iran
Middle East (MNN) — SAT-7 PARS airs first live broadcast on their third anniversary
Iran (MNN) — Satellite TV looks to expand selection to disillusioned youth
Middle East (MNN) — New SAT-7 program uses Facebook and texting to reach Arab youth