Iran (MNN) — SAT-7 PARS recently addressed the dilemma on a show called Sanctuary of the Heart.
Iran (MNN) — SAT-7 PARS recently addressed the dilemma on a show called Sanctuary of the Heart.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — MENA region poses significant challenges to Gospel work.
Egypt (MNN) — On August 14, a fire broke out at an Egyptian Coptic church.
Afghanistan (MNN) — New regulations from the Taliban try to erase women from public Afghan life.
Egypt (MNN) — The Middle East Council of Churches was founded in 1968.
Pakistan (MNN) — PAK-7 engages people of all backgrounds in conversation about Christ.
Iraq (MNN) — It’s an illustration of how little these societies value women.
Turkey (MNN) — The prices of essential goods and services have doubled or tripled.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Girls currently attending school must wear full burqas and be taught by female teachers.