Egypt (MNN) — Suspects turn themselves in; ministry urges peace
Egypt (MNN) — Suspects turn themselves in; ministry urges peace
Turkey (MNN) — Merger marks a major step forward for indigenous Turkish channel
Iran (MNN) — Iran’s upheaval creates more cracks in image
International (MNN) — New satellite access to potentially double SAT-7’s viewing audience
Iran (MNN) — A light amid disillusionment, SAT-7 broadcasts encouragement to Iran
Middle East (MNN) — SAT-7 to reach Muslims who watch TV as families during Ramadan
International (MNN) — Dr. Rex M. Rogers brings experience, vision and passion to ministry
Turkey (MNN) — SAT-7 to expand ministry outreach by merging with TURK-7
Iran (MNN) — Iranian government shuts down anniversary protests, stifles ministry
Iran (MNN) — SAT-7 PARS says anti-western sentiment could be bad for Christians