Iraq (MNN) — In 2019, protestors across Iraq demanded new parliamentary elections.
Iraq (MNN) — In 2019, protestors across Iraq demanded new parliamentary elections.
International (MNN) — During COVID-19, the Arab world began engaging in social media technology like never before.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Tensions remain high as Taliban takes over, foreigners flee.
Middle East (MNN) — During the pandemic, Christian social media use soared in the Middle East.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Not every scar is visible; 12-week course offers healing for hidden pain.
Jordan (MNN) — While they have opportunity, Redemptive Stories helps refugees in Christ’s name.
Iraq (MNN) — The Islamic State quickly took credit for last week’s attack, stirring fears of a resurgence.
Jordan (MNN) — Syrian refugees prepare for a hard winter during COVID-19
Middle East (MNN) — Most places have been restricting gathering to fewer than 25 people.
Iraq (MNN) — Iraqis seek spiritual answers amid escalating uncertainty, instability.