Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine’s top military leader says Russia could make a new push to take Kyiv in January.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine’s top military leader says Russia could make a new push to take Kyiv in January.
Ukraine (MNN) — World leaders in Paris pledged over a billion dollars to Ukraine.
Russia (MNN) — TWR contacts fear being drafted in Russia and Belarus.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine’s infrastructure struggles continue following Russian airstrikes.
Ukraine (MNN) — The Irpin seminary was damaged by mortar fire earlier this year.
Ukraine (MNN) — God often builds His Church through the hardest circumstances.
Ukraine (MNN) — Amnesty International says the Ukrainian military set up bases in schools and residential areas.
Ukraine (MNN) — Around 200,000 civilians remain in the area.
International (MNN) — The invasion of Ukraine slashed wheat imports to several of these countries.
Ukraine (MNN) — They brought food, diapers, medicine, and New Testaments to people in the city.