Ukraine (MNN) — War widow begins ministry to support others in her situation.
Ukraine (MNN) — War widow begins ministry to support others in her situation.
Europe (MNN) — As Ukrainian refugees receive aid, the Word of God is being shared.
Russia (MNN) — For some kids, Stuff-a-Stocking is their first gift
Russia (MNN) — “May we not stop our prayers. May we increase them.”
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine draws closer to war; believers mobilize.
Russia (MNN) — Putin blames U.S. for protests in Russia
Ukraine (MNN) — Is the evangelical church growing in the form Soviet Union, Forum 20 asks?
Russia (MNN) — Christmas ministry hits goal, pray for follow up
USA (MNN) — Orphan Outreach is looking for 20 interns to help with orphan ministry this summer
Russia (MNN) — Faith Comes By Hearing is gearing up for ministry in war-torn Georgia