Bangladesh (MNN) — Though no one was hurt, thousands of refugees lost their homes and all their belongings.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The island only formed in 2006, and many people worry it could easily flood.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Many Rohingya have claimed they were coerced to participate in the project.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Bangladeshi believers seek workaround to reach Rohingya for Christ.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Reaching the Rohingya requires a “paradigm shift” from Bangladeshi believers.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The Rohingya people are very open to the news of Jesus, but authorities trying to protect them are hindering evangelism efforts.
Bangladesh (MNN) — World Mission takes audio Bibles to the Shaikh in Bangladesh
Bangladesh (MNN) — Rohingya Christians have been moved to safety following an attack in a Bangladesh refugee camp.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Thousands of Rohingyas are still camped out in Bangladesh
Myanmar (MNN) — New Amnesty report describes war crimes and calls for international action