Int’l — DOOR shared the Gospel with isolated and hurting Deaf in 2020.
Int’l — DOOR shared the Gospel with isolated and hurting Deaf in 2020.
International (MNN) — DOOR International developing tools for Deaf community.
International (MNN) — American Sign Language translations benefit Deaf in other countries.
East Africa (MNN) — DOOR International commissions new Scripture and leaders in East Africa.
International (MNN) — Global Deaf ministry adapts to meet physical needs.
International (MNN) — DOOR International teams translate health information into sign languages.
South Asia (MNN) — Deaf Christian leaders need support as they answer spiritual questions
International (MNN) — Instead of lacking COVID-19 information, unreached people groups have no way to know God.
South Asia (MNN) — Oppression can’t stop these new Christ-followers!
International (MNN) — DOOR International is incorporating apologetics into their ministry