Central Asia (MNN) — Christians and ministries sense increasing pressure.
Central Asia (MNN) — Christians and ministries sense increasing pressure.
Malaysia (MNN) — The case for truth in Raymond Koh’s 2017 disappearance is far from over, despite the Malaysian government’s apparent wishes.
Nigeria (MNN) — Much of the violence comes from Muslim Fulani herdsmen.
USA (MNN) — Now, we wait to see how the State Department will proceed. And we pray.
USA (MNN) — Christians can be praying over the new USCIRF report.
Azerbaijan (MNN) — USCIRF released a new report on Azerbaijan.
India (MNN) — Sign up for Mission India devotional to learn and pray.
International (MNN) — The report comes from the Catholic charity aid to the Church in Need.
Iraq (MNN) — It’s an example of the cultural resistance evangelical Christians face in Iraq.
USA (MNN) — Mission India partnered with Barna on missions research with surprising findings.