South Asia (MNN) — The increasing pressure comes from religious majority groups and governments.
USA (MNN) — Religious freedom sidelined during foreign policy summit.
USA (MNN) — Shock and disbelief follow United States Countries of Particular Concern announcement.
Somalia (MNN) — How can the Somali Church grow when society treats believers so poorly?
International (MNN) — You can pray for millions who share our faith but not our freedom on Sunday.
Nigeria (MNN) — Legal contradictions put Christians at risk.
China (MNN) — He packed the government with his most loyal allies.
Indonesia (MNN) — Christians own the land in question.
Thailand (MNN) — The Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also dubbed “Mayflower Church,” appeals to the United Nations for help.
Egypt (MNN) — Believers see continued improvements under President el-Sisi.