Ukraine (MNN) — A pastor’s wife shares their story of front line ministry.
Ukraine (MNN) — A pastor’s wife shares their story of front line ministry.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Aid is slow coming to the remote area.
Ukraine (MNN) — Shipments of US munitions have begun to arrive.
Türkiye (MNN) — One year after the earthquakes that devastated much of Türkiye, the nation needs vision and perseverance for long-term rebuilding.
Ukraine (MNN) — SGA connects with churches distributing aid and the Gospel.
Azerbaijan (MNN) — USCIRF released a new report on Azerbaijan.
Israel (MNN) — Hamas is operating near designated civilian safe zones.
Ukraine (MNN) — SGA is helping churches evacuate Ukrainian villagers and offer hope.
Nepal (MNN) — A3 alumni are bringing relief in the name of Jesus Christ.
Nepal (MNN) — Christians with A3 are bringing aid and Gospel hope.