Lebanon (MNN) — The report comes from a U.N. refugee agency.
Ukraine (MNN) — Amnesty International says the Ukrainian military set up bases in schools and residential areas.
Greece (MNN) — Refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria remain in limbo in Greece.
Lebanon (MNN) — Officials blame the presence of the refugees for Lebanon’s economic woes.
Ukraine (MNN) — These devices can replenish phone batteries when stable electricity is not available.
Lebanon (MNN) — A Black Sea blockade has stranded last year’s harvest in warehouses.
International (MNN) — An estimated 16 million refugees live in the Greater Middle East.
Lebanon (MNN) — The entire school rides on the bed of a truck.
Ukraine (MNN) — Prolonged or repeated exposures to helplessness are a major factor leading to depression.
Europe (MNN) — As Ukrainian refugees receive aid, the Word of God is being shared.