Türkiye (MNN) — Aid workers scramble to set up temporary housing for tens of thousands of earthquake survivors.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — More than 100 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide.
Greece (CAM) — Refugees who’ve suffered deep loss discover salvation and hope in Christ.
Lebanon (MNN) — Why was Lebanon ranked the angriest country in 2022?
Ukraine (MNN) — SGA providing Ukrainians aid; hundreds of stoves, generators, and thousands of blankets.
Poland (OM) — OM teams in the countries around Ukraine are responding to the needs of those fleeing into their countries.
Iraq (MNN) — Amidst persecution, church leaders are reaching other minorities.
Turkey (MNN) — These refugees often flee from warzones in Syria and Afghanistan.
Lebanon (MNN) — Parliament has failed to elect a new president.
Burkina Faso (MNN) — Terrorist groups occupy between 40 and 50 percent of Burkina Faso.