Haiti (MNN) — A ministry in northern Haiti is struggling to cope with disaster survivors

Thailand (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders partners provide Karen refugees’ only food source

USA (MNN) — Michigan couple takes 8 Karen children under their wing

Iraq (MNN) — Mobile clinics provide medical and spiritual care

India (MNN) — Believers mark one year as refugees, new homes await

Pakistan (MNN) — More Pakistanis flee new offensive against Taliban, CRWRC brings relief

Pakistan (MNN) — Almost 1.5 million people have had to flee their homes; Christians need prayer

Sri Lanka (MNN) — Gospel for Asia plans relief effort in Sri Lanka as civil war ends

Pakistan (MNN) — CRWRC is helping several thousand in Pakistan, but millions more need help

Sri Lanka (MNN) — Churches minister to refugees who have lost everything in the civil war