Sudan (MNN) — Landmines and heavy rains plague evacuation effort

USA (MNN) — You can help Bhutanese refugees in your own town

Ethiopia (MNN) — Conference encourages pastors to unity in midst of famine and persecution

Uganda (MNN) — Medical Teams International says churches are starting as they help refugees

Somalia (MNN) — Why did the UN let Somalia go deep into the red zone before declaring famine?

Mozambique (MNN) — Situation critical as overflowing refugee camps need more aid
Somalia (MNN) — Kenyans and Somalis work to breach line of persecution for the sake of the Gospel
Libya (MNN) — No end in sight for Libya fighting; Christians flee

Middle East (MNN) — Church provides healthcare for Mideast refugees

Iraq (MNN) — Muslim extremists force thousands of Christians from homes, threaten their lives