![](https://www.mnnonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/BGR_Syria update (180x120) 08-06-13.jpg)
Syria (MNN) — War the only answer to Syria crisis, says Assad.
Syria (MNN) — War the only answer to Syria crisis, says Assad.
Syria (MNN) — Church giving relief kits to Muslims fear attack…by Islamists?
Syria (MNN) — Church shares relief kits with Muslims.
Iraq (MNN/ODM) — Micro credit program boosts refugees despite ongoing terrorism.
Burma (MNN) — Team returns home after being hands and feet of Christ
Burma (MNN) — Sharing Christ’s love in Burma: Mission Accomplished
Syria (FH) – Food for the Hungry linking arms with Syrian partners for outreach.
Burma (MNN) — Rohingya stuck as rains begin in Rakhine state
Burma (MNN) — Rohingya stuck as rains begin in Rakhine state
Burma (MNN) — Displaced Rohingya likely to bear the brunt of Cyclone Mahasen