East Africa (MNN) — Christianity is growing in East Africa – even secretly in places like Somalia and Sudan.
Myanmar (MNN) — AMG International works to provide food, medicine, and blankets to these people.
Myanmar (MNN) — Many people live in dense jungles or remote mountains, largely cut off from the outside world.
Myanmar (MNN) — Satellite photos have confirmed the use of arson against over 6,000 civilian buildings.
Ukraine (MNN) — Keys for Kids Ministries prints 200,000 devotionals; partners place hope in the hands of scared refugees.
Ukraine (MNN) — New TWR programming points people in Ukraine and Russia to Jesus – the only source of real hope.
Moldova (MNN) — Europe’s poorest country faces a few Goliath-size problems.
Ukraine (MNN) — The Russian invasion of Ukraine sent five million refugees spilling out across Europe.
International (MNN) — Millions of women and children fleeing conflict make ideal targets.
Ethiopia (MNN) — “It is impossible for them to just blend in.”