India (MNN) — Bright Hope, local churches, police team up for redemption.
India (MNN) — Bright Hope, local churches, police team up for redemption.
Zambia (MNN) — Street kids find new life with the help of Christian World Outreach.
Papua New Guinea (MNN/CBI) — Inmates of all ages eager to learn about Christ.
USA (MNN) — Native youth prepare for a Summer of Hope
USA (MNN) — ‘Spirit of suicide’ grips reservations, Native believers respond
India (MNN) — Take mom’s legacy beyond the family this Mother’s Day
India (MNN) — Believers fight child trafficking along Nepal-India border
Dominican Republic (MNN) — Group works with DR leadership toward transformation through Christ
Costa Rica (OMI/MNN) — What do pearls and human trafficking have in common?
Kenya (MNN) — CBI confronts re-entry challenges in Kenya; transforms culture