Burma (MNN) — Ceasefire talks may mean a redistribution of persecution
South Sudan (MNN) — Rebel violence kills 82 more in mounting tension before official independence
Chechnya (MNN) — Attack on Chechen Parliament rattles nerves
Congo-Kinsahsa (MNN) — Ministry offers key to restoration in war-ravaged Congo
Dem. Republic of Congo (MNN) — Southern Baptists say rebels soldiers in DRC are turning to Christ
Congo-Kinsahsa (MNN) — Evangelism teams brave rebels to share the hope of Christ in Congo
Uganda (MNN) — Mission team takes six weeks to crisscross Uganda to answer post-war needs
Congo-Kinsahsa (MNN) — Threat hangs heavy as believers enter into Christmas worship
Uganda (MNN) — Ugandan rebels wreak havoc on Christmas Day
Congo (MNN) — Food for the Hungry says outreach is affected by rebel violence in Congo