Russia (MNN) — At-risk Russian orphanage graduates learn budgeting
Russia (MNN) — At-risk Russian orphanage graduates learn budgeting
India (MNN) — Woman uses a beauty salon to minister in red-light district
Nepal (MNN) — Women in sex trade feel like ‘walking dead’ until rescued by the Gospel
USA (MNN) — Former prostitute tells conversion story; fathers, love your daughters
India (MNN) — Bright Hope works to end exploitation of girls in India
India (MNN) — India Partners highlights three outreaches on International Women’s Day
Russia (MNN) — Team brings the Gospel to save orphans from a path to drugs and prostitution
India (MNN) — Is human life worth less than $60 a month?
USA (MNN) — Slavery in the United States far from over; children are the victims
East Asia (MNN) — “They can never really leave the brothel behind unless they grasp the hand of Jesus.”