Cuba (AMG/MNN) — Population turns to Christ yet nation remains resistant to the Gospel.
Cuba (AMG/MNN) — Population turns to Christ yet nation remains resistant to the Gospel.
Sudan (MNN) — Purge of Christians continues in effort to build Islamic stronghold.
North Korea (MNN) — Persecuted North Koreans pray for American Christians.
North Korea (MNN) — Persecuted North Koreans pray for American Christians.
Uzbekistan (SGA)–SGA urges prayer in light of more oppression in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan (SGA) — Uzbek church camp seized.
Central African Republic (MNN) — Rebel violence could turn the CAR into another Rwanda.
Central African Republic (MNN) — Rebel violence could turn the CAR into another Rwanda.
Nigeria (MNN) — Nigeria’s Yobe state the latest site of MENA persecution.
Pakistan (MNN) — Prayer needed following “deadliest assault” against Christians.