Equatorial Guinea (MNN) — Hundreds more remain hospitalized or displaced.
Equatorial Guinea (MNN) — Hundreds more remain hospitalized or displaced.
USA (MNN) — Prayer initiative with Prayercast spotlight’s 77 neighborhoods of Chicago
Egypt (MNN) — Only prayer can break physical, spiritual barriers surrounding unreached people groups.
MENA (MNN) — Ministries team up with one goal: reaching millions with the Good News of Christ.
Iran (MNN) — “God is doing something very special.”
International (MNN) — Prayercast urges intercession for Muslim world
Europe (MNN) — God moving among Muslim refugees despite mixed responses to need
International (MNN) — Want to change the Muslim world? Start at the family level
Afghanistan (MNN) — Hope remains for war-torn nation because God reigns
International (MNN) — During Ramadan, headlines are a call to prayer