India (MNN) — Mission India devotional encourages prayer for persecuted Indian Church
Kenya (MNN) — Muslim community coming to faith because of street prayer outreach
USA (MNN) — Prayer initiative with Prayercast spotlight’s 77 neighborhoods of Chicago
International (MNN) — Sign up for Frontiers USA’s 30-day Ramadan prayer guide!
International (MNN) — Not Forgotten is reaching oppressed Muslim women for Jesus
USA (MNN) — Where to find hope amidst pandemic uncertainty
USA (MNN) — Life Matters Worldwide is helping pro-life ministries connect with churches
Syria (MNN) Turkey and Russia signed a cease-fire Friday for the Province of Idlib, where fighting over the last month has created the worst humanitarian crisis of the war.
Japan (MNN) Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has closed schools in Japan through the month of March amid concerns about the upcoming Olympic Games.
USA (MNN) — It’s not too late to prayer walk a campus near you!