Bolivia (MNN) — Heart of South America sees exciting birth of new church
Bolivia (MNN) — Heart of South America sees exciting birth of new church
India (MNN) — Kids are sentenced to life in the slums–unless they can get an education
Kenya (MNN) — Kids in poverty are ecstatic to receive shoes and love from mission team
Sierra Leone (MNN) — First Step’s progress with Sierra Leonean businesses much like a jigsaw puzzle!
Colombia (MNN) — Former murder capital of the world sees youth revival for Christ
Cambodia (MNN) — Cambodian women see results from hygiene and livelihood training in sponsorship program
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukrainian youth reach devastated children with food, Gospel
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Ministry reaches children living with alcoholic parents
India (MNN) — In one year, 2,500 West Bengali girls coerced into sexual slavery