Sierra Leone (MNN) — Fighting corruption in the Body of Christ
Nigeria (MNN) — More than military solutions, the Church is the answer
Turkey (MNN) — Brunson’s conviction stands, but he’s been granted his freedom
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Political landscapes may shift, but believers are sharing an unchanging God
Iran (MNN) — Feud between the US and Iran is affecting Iranian citizens
Turkey (MNN) — Breaking down the politics of Andrew Brunson’s arrest
China (MNN) — New pressure sees China’s underground churches pulled into the spotlight
India (MNN) — As nationalists push for India to become a Hindu nation, Christians are feeling the pressure build. one ministry shares how you can pray.
Lebanon (MNN) — Growth in power for Hezbollah may threaten religious freedoms for Christians in the Middle East
Nicaragua (MNN) — Dozens of people have been killed