Russia (MNN) — SOAR’s Stuff a Stocking ministry is growing
Russia (MNN) — SOAR’s Stuff a Stocking ministry is growing
China (MNN) — “…found worthy to suffer for Christ.”
Egypt (MNN) — Unconstitutional move by local police targets Copts
Pakistan (MNN) — Journalism student killed for alleged blasphemous social media content
Turkey (MNN) — Prayers needed for TV ministry in safety and funding
Guatemala (MNN) — Christ changing prison culture… through prison guards
DRC (MNN) — Ministry to the next generation is a step towards healing
Europe (MNN) — Reaching refugee kids critical amid compassion fatigue
Turkey (MNN) — 131 media outlets terminated, newest backlash after coup
India (MNN) — Extremists run Christians out of their village; police do nothing