Ukraine (MNN) — Respond to Ukrainian prayer requests on Jesus Film Project’s Prayer Experience.
Ukraine (MNN) — Respond to Ukrainian prayer requests on Jesus Film Project’s Prayer Experience.
Ukraine (MNN) — After a Russian invasion, fierce fighting continues across Ukraine.
Belarus (MNN) — Belarus is using them as political leverage against the European Union.
International (MNN) — After leaving ministry in Poland, Warren and Brenda found other ways to serve.
Poland (MNN) — World Missionary Press fueling evangelism in Europe.
Turkey (MNN) — Turkey became the first country to sign the treaty in 2011.
Ukraine (MNN) — Next week’s Euro Cup to see increase in forced prostitution
Eurasia (MNN) — Radio reaches depressed, lonely and lost youth in Europe, Central Asia
Poland (MNN) — InterVarsity motivated to reach out in new ways after hearing of hardships in other student ministry
Poland (MNN) — Student ministries don’t just lead students, but let them lead