India (MNN) — Religious freedom advocates voice concern as India implements Citizenship Amendment Act.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Pray against the power of fear in the lives of new believers from non-Christian backgrounds.
India (MNN) — Mission India’s 10-Day Bible Club gives kids in India a safe, exciting environment where they can learn about Jesus.
North Africa (MNN) — The Body of Christ plays out on a regional and international scale in North Africa despite challenges.
Malaysia (MNN) — Judges recently struck down over a dozen Shariah-based state laws, saying they encroached on federal authority.
Iran (MNN) — As the hope of Jesus spreads in Iran, so too does new persecution.
Mozambique (MNN) — Islamic State associates are once again ravaging northern Mozambique.
Nigeria (MNN) — Nigerian Christians face violence from nomads they used to host
Iraq (MNN) — Many displaced people would’ve gone home sooner if they could, but they cannot because it’s dangerous.
India (MNN) — The Voice of the Martyrs USA reclassifies India amid escalating religious tensions.