Iran (MNN) – The Iranian government has again cracked down on women’s freedoms.
Yemen (MNN) — New partnership creates more dangers in war-torn Yemen.
Iran (MNN) — Believers from a Muslim background face renewed pressure in Iran.
India (MNN) — Here’s why USCIRF recommends thaat India be designated as a Country of Particular Concern.
USA (MNN) — Nigeria has been off the CPC list since 2021.
Myanmar (MNN) — April was a tough month for believers in Myanmar.
Sudan (MNN) — Famine haunts millions as rebel forces prepare to move on the last capital in Darfur that’s not under their control.
Egypt (MNN) — Extremists attacked a Christian village in Upper Egypt and set fire to several homes and a new church building.
India (MNN) — Mission India ministry partner recently visited Manipur.
Niger (MNN) — Persecuted Niger believers in need of prayer.