China (MNN) — Open Doors USA highlights China’s threat to believers
India (MNN) — Despite Christian persecution, God is moving hearts in India
Iraq (MNN) — PTEE classes on hold for now; hope to restart in March
Iran (MNN) — Protests demanding change continue; ministry warns of coming crackdown.
(MNN) — U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom reauthorized for three years
China (MNN) — Pastor Wang Yi’s case reveals a concerning trend
Iraq (MNN) — Christians in Iraq raise concerns about being targeted in a proxy conflict.
International (MNN) — As Scripture translation becomes more difficult, Wycliffe Associates aims for 400 new translations.
Iran (MNN) — When Iran’s relationship with U.S. is strained, persecution ramps up
China (MNN) — Persecution is forcing churches in China to get creative