Iraq (MNN) — Christians hope Iraq’s new PM can transition the country into an era of peace.
Yemen (MNN) — In a place like Yemen, prayer is the catalyst for Gospel growth.
Pakistan (MNN) — Prayer is a critical component of Great Commission effort.
India (MNN) — COVID-19 fans the flames of persecution in India.
International (MNN) — Governments respond as religious watchdog makes foreign policy recommendations.
India (MNN) — Help Mission India feed a family of four amidst COVID-19.
Yemen (MNN) — Hope rises from the ashes of war.
Pakistan (MNN) – FMI provides Bibles and safe houses for persecuted believers
Turkey (MNN) — The Hagia Sophia, an ancient and iconic Christian church in Turkey, has been used by the government to broadcast Muslim messages.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Believers press on despite continued hardship