International (MNN) — These Bibles translators need training, tools, support, and sometimes even food.
Nigeria (MNN) — Mission Cry shipped 24 containers of free Bibles and Christian books this year.
Nigeria (MNN) — U.S. State Department spotlights problematic persecution in Nigeria.
India (MNN) — Uttar Pradesh police arrest 10 Muslim men under a brand new anti-conversion law.
International (MNN) — This according to the 2020 Global Terrorism Index.
Egypt (MNN) — Daniel Hoffman of Middle East Concern explains why Christians rarely see justice.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Many Rohingya have claimed they were coerced to participate in the project.
South Korea (MNN) — Is sending Bibles into North Korea illegal? South Korea says, “maybe.”
Iran (MNN) — The underground church is alive and growing in Iran.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Challenges mount for Afghani believers; pray for them on November 18.