Nigeria (MNN) — World Missionary Press helps bring God’s Word to persecuted Christians
India (MNN) — Madhya Pradesh state following anti-conversion law trend
International (MNN) — The report reveals 1 in 8 Christians worldwide suffer high levels of persecution.
India (MNN) — India’s religious minorities face a gloomy 2021 forecast.
India (MNN) — Assam, Haryana, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh considering new anti-conversion laws.
India (MNN) — Bibles For The World encourages partners to press on despite governmental challenges.
China (MNN) — As China Partner prepares for 2021, they are encouraged by Chinese believers’ faithfulness.
Iran (MNN) — Iran’s parliament is doubling down on the persecution of religious minorities.
Int’l (MNN) — Christians face persecution reaching Gospel-resistant unreached people.
International (MNN) — Peace or media silence? The real story behind perceived persecution.