India (MNN) — Hostility rises in southern India as officials push for religious restrictions.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Believers forced to hold a funeral according to Hindu customs.
Sahel/West Africa (MNN) — UN officials visit the Sahel this weekend to push for stability.
International (MNN) — Individuals cannot do much to reverse Western troop withdrawals. However, you can help persecuted believers in conflict zones.
International (MNN) — Leaders fear increased terrorist activity in India and Africa following the Taliban takeover.
India (MNN) — Mission India Church Planter, family, and congregant jailed for their faith.
Ethiopia (MNN) — Hundreds of U.N. aid trucks are getting stuck, unable to deliver much-needed supplies.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudanese Christians need prayer for transformed hearts and unity.
Iran (MNN) — Ethnic and religious minorities, including Christians, are the main victims of these crimes.
Nigeria (MNN) — Pastors say they’re burying church members on a near-daily basis.