India (MNN) — Christians in the Chhattisgarh region fear the words could stir violence.
Uganda (MNN) — Is East Africa the next “hotspot” of persecution?
Sudan (MNN) — Security forces killed at least 15 protestors and wounded dozens.
Uganda (MNN) — Terrorism, persecution rising; radicals target church leaders and believers from a Muslim background.
International (MNN) — Tim Bentch talks about the second annual Nations Worship event from Global Disciples.
Iraq (MNN) — Iraqi Christians face problems on all fronts.
International (MNN) — Sunday, November 7, marks the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians.
International (MNN) — International Media Ministries receives film award for docudrama.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan may follow the same long path to religious freedom as Egypt.
Nigeria (MNN) — Shooters kidnapped four teachers and two children in a midnight raid.