Nepal (MNN) — The mp3 players come with 30 hours of Keys for Kids devotionals and a full Bible.
India (MNN ) — But in India, Muslims and Christians often face persecution.
Indonesia (MNN) — Christians own the land in question.
China (MNN) — Authorities liquidated a 30-year-old house church in Xi’an.
India (MNN) — “Now, even children talk about it.”
North Africa (MNN) — An Algerian Christian refugee remains in the crossfire as power balances shift in North Africa.
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — A terrorism court said she violated public order.
Thailand (MNN) — The Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also dubbed “Mayflower Church,” appeals to the United Nations for help.
India (MNN) — They say the government has failed to protect the Christian community from rising violence.
Nigeria (MNN) — Religious freedom watchdogs urge U.S. lawmakers to take a closer look at Nigeria.