Indonesia (MNN) — Local islamic groups damaged tents meant for survivors.
Middle East (MNN) — Why should pastors consider going on short-term mission trips?
India (MNN) — Representatives from 21 countries ask India to improve the religious freedom of minorities.
Somalia (MNN) — How can the Somali Church grow when society treats believers so poorly?
Iran (MNN) — After the raids, police warn Christian not to tell anyone.
Kenya (MNN) — A lack of rainfall has 378,000 people on the brink of starvation.
Ethiopia (MNN) — Negotiations took place in South Africa.
International (MNN) — You can pray for millions who share our faith but not our freedom on Sunday.
Nigeria (MNN) — Legal contradictions put Christians at risk.
International (MNN) — Anything perceived as insulting to Islam can be called “blasphemy.”