Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistani Christians need prayer as IDOP approaches
Pakistan (MNN) — World Evangelical Alliance says Christians are being arrested in Pakistan as emergency rule continues
China (MNN) — China’s government paves the way for future ministry
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Despite robbery, Russian Ministries team in Uzbekistan provides hope to persecuted believers
Turkey (MNN) — Resolution results in tense U.S.-Turkey relations, may spill over into Turkish Christian Community
India (MNN) — More persecution in India highlights challenge to missionaries
Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrean senior pastor arrested for church work for second time since 2005
North Korea (MNN) — The church is growing in North Korea despite harsh treatment
Eritrea (MNN) — Persecution continues though reports from the government are conflicting
Myanmar (MNN) — Christians say massive protests in Myanmar highlight lack of freedoms