India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia says violence against Christians is worse, but commitment for outreach is strong
USA (MNN) — Bethany Christian Services moves to aid Myanmar refugees
India (MNN) — Violence offers the church an opportunity to share the Gospel with those seeking answers
India (MNN) — Partners International says Christians hiding in the forest can’t get adequate food
India (MNN) — Bibles for the World says more violence is to come in India’s Orissa State
India (MNN) — Fruitful ministry started after extremists force pastor out of village
Russia (MNN) — Russian Ministries says an attack on a church in Kaluga affects them
Middle East (MNN) — SAT-7 encourages remnant church in the Middle East during Christmas
International (MNN) — Celebrations not hampered by threat of increased persecution in hot spots
India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia leader says persecution against Christians will increase, but so will the number of Christians