India (MNN) — Pastor arrested for ‘forcing conversion;’ reflection of continued persecution into 2012
Iran (MNN) — Youcef Nadarkhani’s sentence pushed back a year in hopes Christians will forget
India (MNN) — Ministry responds to threat against Christians in volatile Kashmir Valley
Iraq (MNN) — The U.S. says war is over in Iraq; but for whom?
Pakistan (MNN) — Canada’s lawmakers call on Pakistan to release condemned Christian mother
China (MNN) — VOM asks you to send one of 200 letters to persecuted believer by Christmas
Middle East (MNN) — Persecution, certainly. Genocide? Ministry responds
USA (MNN) — Student association votes to suspend InterVarsity from campus.
Iran (MNN) — Iranian couple finally to be safe in new home after arduous imprisonment
Belgium (MNN) — China religious rights activist to testify on China’s religious freedom record