Iraq (MNN) — Bombing series does not bode well for Christians in Iraq
India (MNN) — Believers in India push for protective legislation while a ministry goes to prayer
Nigeria (MNN) — Christians prepare to defend themselves after watching families die in front of them
Nepal (MNN) — Believers forced out of village; six-year-old girl raped
India (MNN) — Persecution increasing; carolers brutalized and arrested
North Korea (MNN) — A regime change brings no hope for freedom in North Korea
USA (MNN) — New VBS curriculum teaches kids about the persecuted church
India (MNN) — Bibles in India can grow the 2.3% population of Christians there
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Kazakhstan pushes harder on religion law crackdown; seeks out ‘uniform religion’
North Korea (MNN) — Defectors say North Koreans will be forced to cry over Kim Jong-Il