China (MNN) — 20-year-old house church gets raided; 70 Christians arrested
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China (MNN) — 20-year-old house church gets raided; 70 Christians arrested
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Raids an indication of worsening persecution?
Iran (MNN) — Iranian believers boldly share faith, church explosion results
Afghanistan (MNN) — Christians fear they’ll be caught up in reprisal violence in Afghanistan
Iran (MNN) — 78-year-old woman arrested for no apparent reason in Iran
Nigeria (MNN) — Boko Haram is planning an all-out war on Christians in the weeks ahead, says one ministry
Libya (MNN) — Libya is taking shape even as Christians sense freedom
India (MNN) — Believers invest in India’s future
North Africa (MNN) — HCJB Global program producer flees as tensions rise
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Forum 18 observes first known trial under new, harsher religion law