Haiti (MNN) — Haiti protestors want Preval gone
Kenya (MNN) — Kids Alive celebrates peace of constitution
Haiti (MNN) — Election limbo can’t delay life as usual in Haiti
Haiti (MNN) — Election chaos in Haiti remains just below the surface
Israel (MNN) — Fatah congress looks to determine future of West Bank; true peace of Christ preached to Jews and Arabs
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Sri Lanka’s war finally over, refugees begin rebuilding while Christians wonder what lies ahead
Pakistan (MNN) — Taliban says peace with Pakistan is ‘worthless;’ Christians are concerned
International (MNN) — Inflamed tensions in Arab world pave way for overtures to hope and peace
Lebanon (MNN) — Compromise gives ministry a breath of fresh air; prayer day coming up
Kenya (MNN) — Former UN chief announced power-sharing deal in Kenya, ministries are thrilled