Kenya (MNN) — That’s one reason FMI gathered pastors in Kenya together for a conference in March.
USA (MNN) — Mission India partners with Barna for missions report.
China (MNN) — The law allows only religious groups with government approval to share content over the internet.
Turkey (MNN) — Turkey has deported almost 200 Protestant Christian workers since 2018.
Turkey (MNN) — Intelligence officials claim they pose a security risk but do not say how.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — They threatened the pastor with death if the worship service did not stop.
Kenya (MNN) — What would you do if your pastor didn’t know the story of Jesus?
Ukraine (MNN) — The Chernobyl nuclear site lost power yesterday.
Ukraine (MNN) — A U.S. ambassador says Russia has created a list of Ukrainians to be killed or put into camps.
International (MNN) — In places around the world, people get vital information over the airwaves.