China (MNN) – Now that many rural Chinese Christians have Bibles, more teachers of the Word are needed.
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China (MNN) – Now that many rural Chinese Christians have Bibles, more teachers of the Word are needed.
Eritrea (MNN) — Over 300 Christians are still in prison for their faith.
Poland (MNN) — Ukrainians are raising up a generation of diaspora missionaries.
Burkina Faso (MNN) — Much of the terrorist activity targets pastors and Christians.
Eritrea (VOM) — You can stand with these persecuted brothers in Christ.
Zimbabwe (MNN) — One month left before Zimbabweans head to the polls.
Indonesia (MNN) — Pastors, church planters still focused on the Great Commission.
MENA (MNN) — You can help advance the Gospel to unreached people!
India (MNN) — The government cut local internet, ordered military to shoot on sight.
Turkiye (MNN) — FMI-supported church planters distribute critical quake relief.