Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Pastoral outreach is largely unchanged by the unrest and fighting in East Congo
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Pastoral outreach is largely unchanged by the unrest and fighting in East Congo
Peru (MNN) — Church and business leaders team up to advance the Gospel
India (MNN) — Literature arrives in India, Christians are grateful
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Three pastors were arrested and released after handing out candy and toys in Masvingo
International (MNN) — Summer pastoral training heats up internationally
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Pastors are disappearing in Sri Lanka, Christians appeal for help
Africa (MNN) — Africa’s pastors are thrilled with compact resource.
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Two pastors are charged while another is released.
International (MNN)–Ministry growth spurs Global Advance to new heights in the remote regions.
Nepal (MNN)–Nepal celebrates peace accord; Christians continue ministry.