USA (MNN) — Running with hope, not fear
USA (MNN) — Running with hope, not fear
India (MNN) — Social lepers can graduate high school in 2011 with your help
Indonesia (MNN) — Partners International opens doors with community integration
International (MNN) — Church planters learn how to present Gospel through story
International (MNN) — $20 can provide sustenance, care and school supplies
Sudan (MNN) — Partners has next 12 months to prevent recruitment of Sudan’s youth
India (MNN) — India Partners awarded $8000 grant to fund tailoring school
India (MNN) — Outreach to Indian Gypsies seeing success despite violence
Jordan (MNN) — Partners International says churches closed in Jordan as the country acknowledges deporting Christians
India (MNN) — Partners International says Christians hiding in the forest can’t get adequate food