Indonesia (MAF) — This plane replaces the one attacked and burned by rebels in January 2021.
Indonesia (MAF) — This plane replaces the one attacked and burned by rebels in January 2021.
Indonesia (MNN) — Elias Erbaye was traveling to a church conference.
Indonesia (MNN) — Indonesian staff member with MAF receives special academic award.
International (MNN) — What will you do to get the Gospel to unreached people?
Indonesia (MNN) — 2,400 Yali Bibles demonstrate a decades-long story of God’s faithfulness
Indonesia (MNN) — COVID-19 lockdowns mean many people in rural Indonesia aren’t earning wages and can’t buy food for themselves.
Indonesia (MNN) — MAF’s medical flights are serving as the feet of Christ in Papua
Indonesia (MNN) — Papua unrest percolates as Indonesia tries to restore order.
Indonesia (MNN/WAS) — Wycliffe Associates partners with persecuted Church for Bible translation
Indonesia (MNN) — MAF needs more pilots, mechanics, IT techs, and teachers!