Myanmar (MNN) — Gospel workers supported by Christian Aid Mission shine the light of Christ through tears and heartache.
Myanmar (MNN) — Gospel workers supported by Christian Aid Mission shine the light of Christ through tears and heartache.
Russia (MNN) — Last week, the country hit nearly 1,000 deaths per day.
India (MNN) — India’s Gospel workers face major challenges due to COVID-19, but they’re also seeing positive growth.
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — Local churches continue to support people in need during the pandemic.
India (MNN) — India may be “winning” against COVID-19, but significant challenges remain for ministry.
International (MNN) — The delta variant fueled another COVID-19 wave in several countries around the world.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Persistent poverty and pandemic lockdowns provide plenty of opportunities to demonstrate God’s love.
Nicaragua (MNN) — The government denies any COVID-19 outbreaks, but independent doctors disagree.
USA (MNN) — Ask God to open your eyes to the Gospel opportunities around you.
China (MNN) — After a month of intense lockdowns, China squashed a small COVID-19 outbreak.